
7 Series: <2K

Hand-painted resin cast on beech base.

Sculpture: 49cm x 16cm x 7cm

Base: 27cm x 7cm x 17cm


A response to the loss of my brother-in-law and friend, Dean, the 7 Series explores the condition and genetics of cystic fibrosis.

There are over 2,000 known mutations that can cause CF (represented by the 2,000 dots on this sculpture). Everyone with CF has two faulty or ‘mutated’ CF genes.

The two genes could be the same mutation, or two different ones. The specific mutations and combination is known as the ‘genotype’. These mutations can be split into five classes. Over 85% of people with cystic fibrosis in Europe have Class II.

The recent announcements of access to the Orkambi and Symkevi drugs agreed in England and Scotland means thousands with the most common class of CF who have been waiting, in many cases up to four years, for access to the precision medicines will now have access to drugs that have been shown to slow the decline in lung function and reduce hospital admissions.

The position of the CF gene (CFTR) is indicated on the sculpture by the absence of dots on one of the long arms (an aesthetic decision, as in reality the gene is in the same position on both long arms).